

Lucky Feature Film2011Film Movement, Indigenous Film Distribution   A 10-year-old South African orphan leaves his Zulu village to make his own life in the city. Only to find no one will help him, except a formidable Indian woman. IMDb BACK TO PROJECTS Check out...
The Bang Bang Club

The Bang Bang Club

The Bang Bang Club Feature Film2011Entertainment One, Tribeca Film   The Bang Bang Club was the name given to four young photographers whose photographs captured the final bloody days of white rule in South Africa. Two were awarded Pulitzer Prizes for their...
Act of Dishonour

Act of Dishonour

Act of Dishonour Feature Film2010Entertainment One   In a land beset by endless strife, nothing must get in the way of the preservation of honour – even if that means sacrificing a loved one. Mena, a young, beautiful bride-to-be, lives in a small, remote village...
Africa United

Africa United

Africa United Feature Film2010Emerging Pictures, Pathé   The extraordinary story of three Rwandan kids who walk 3,000 miles to the Soccer World Cup in South Africa. Using a sack load of ingenuity and sass (and a World Cup wall chart for a map), our pint-sized...
Schuks Tshabalala’s Survival Guide

Schuks Tshabalala’s Survival Guide

Schuks Tshabalala’s Survival Guide Feature Film2010Indigenous Film Distribution   Schuks Tshabalala and his sidekick, Shorty, are tasked with making a movie to promote tourism to South Africa. IMDb BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our documentary film “Act...